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N Sunday, March 16, 2008 / 5:57 PM
Yo... Here i am again blogging.... sian lazy to blog lor... started this blog base on my craving to have a blog when i discharge from hospital.... erm... nth much happen recently... things are rather dull for me... days have passed time have fled....

Recently being abit more hot tempered... maybe coz lonely ba.... walking on the street i can see ppl getting together ugly guys with pretty girls... ugly girls with handsome guys... OMG.... what have gotten into this world....

Went to hospital to retrieve the splints out from my nose.... Ah.... the process is "bearable" la.... like real nia... i was tearing thru out la... like gay right? why dun u come and try? -.- but the doctor is rather nice la... though im tearing she come and tell me im a gd boi... when was the last time i called boi? @@? very long le ba....

Being to T3 and its really spacious there lor.... very very big sia... super nice for riding flatland la.... the floor is smooth gt air con... wa... the perfume there are juz 1 word to describe la NICE.... but on that day actually quarrel with my bestie like twice? coz of some misunderstanding... we cleared out our misunderstanding that day itself.... den realised tat we both are ppl who do alot for frenz but never will they appreciate us....

here are some of the pic i take dun have me inside coz erm... i dun really know how to take pic of myself.... angle everything nt right den nt really gd looking so ya lor... might as well save up the trouble....

Some new statue located near the kopitiam in SGH... took the pic of it when going home....

Wa u see creative sia use real balloon to make flower sia... nice lor... my sister love it sia....

Giorgio Armani Phone nice right....

That's all le...
willard aka headache

; So Emo

N Monday, March 10, 2008 / 6:30 PM
Wuha... back online finally my router cum modem is together de... Then it went down lor as in the power supply or maybe the mainboard power gt some problem so cant even switch on lor... sad sia... my router 200++ sia like tat spoilt le... luckily i got it back in nov 2004 lor so ard 4 yrs le... not that bad it last me 4 yrs but my fren's can last more than that lor... maybe coz me constantly having it switch on overnight ba....

Life is quite tough for me after operation i cant go out lor... coz my nose will bleed and it's quite troublesome for me to stop the bleeding lor... i still cant really breath well... they are still blocked so still using my mouth to breath, eat and talk lor. drinking water is actually quite a pain in the ass too...

dunno is it me or wat. but i will cough blood until today lor... hmm... maybe leaving this world real soon le ba =P i learn that actually life isnt about juz being alive but being alive healthy is more impt den anything else lor.... My advice to ppl out there who are reading my blog or viewing it that actually life is very nice if only u open up ur eyes and see what's happening ard u... though it might be affecting u but it sure does means smt to someone else.... dun be sad over stuff that isnt ur fault... be sad only if u have done ppl wrong...

that's all le ba.... nth much to say le... below pic is only for the strong hearted... if u will faint when u see blood pls my advice is nt to scroll down.... thanks....

the patch of blood of blood i coughed out... haha...

; So Emo

N Friday, March 7, 2008 / 3:03 AM
Basically this is the first time i learn how to blog... Cause nth to do ba... anyway back to my life i just went thru septoplasty surgery and ya i still trying to recover from it... but it doesnt seems to be any better...

its a correct for my nose bridge for me to breath better not for some plastic surgery... I den dun wanna be like jackie chan lor or maybe michael jackson? sigh.... i went thru the operation without painkiller? can u blief it? i myself dun blief it lor until the doctor was telling the nurse behind me saying tat they didn't give me any painkiller during the operation!!!! HOLY SHYT i heard tat when i was like half sober during recovery period... Is like WTH lor... then my nose were stuff with 2 pieces of cotton.... Thats what they said... i tot its must be rather small until the day before i go they extract the cotton out...

u will nt belief me when i say that the cotton they so called are like sausage long and its has a diameter of at least 1 cm or so la... its was stove all the way up to like side of my eyes and i didnt notice? the extracting part is rather a pain in the ass... i can feel the "sausage" pulling from the side of my eyes to the entrance of my nose la....

Crap den i was sent back home... and i was expected to be seen by the doctor 2 weeks later... worse of all i didnt know they actually inserted something at my nose bridge and i cant laugh at all la... its a torture lor... if i know i rather i cannot breath den to go thru this kind of pain.... and till now my nose are still bleeding lor... piang wonder why is it like tat man...

that's all le ba... for the very first time i blog this is consider quite long le ba...

here are some of the pic i tak during the stay at hospital its horrify... =P

The Dip thing Still in my waist after they removed the dip.... WTF...

Me after the ops with the padding and "cotton" inside my nose...


; So Emo

N Layout
N About Me
Willard Aka Headache/Dumbcow
4th may 1985
Taurus Baby
Riding Flatland
Perform Magic (Entertainment)

N Wish List
Better Life
Honda S2000
Family Health
Family Wealth
Slim Down

N All My Kaki

N Chat Here!!!

N What's This?
N Credits
Wei Shiong (Blog Creator)
Jason (Idea Originator)
Fancy (Spelling Checker)